Acidity, hyperacidity or acid reflux-these are all the terms that are used interchangeably to refer to the condition of excess of acid in the stomach. It is primarily caused due to imbalance of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This acid that has an important role to play in the complete digestion and absorption of foods in the body may prove to be a very discomforting factor if it goes beyond normal permissible limits. Due to intake of highly fatty, spicy and indigestible foods, people fall prey to acidity or hyperacidity in the stomach. This condition is accompanied by other symptoms too. These may include abdominal pain, flatulence, heaviness, nausea and feeling of vomiting.
Not knowing the side-effects caused due to antacids, people keep on using such products to get rid of acidity. Definitely, these products may offer some relief in the beginning. However these may start causing other troubles in your stomach, if used for prolonged time periods. Why not switch over to a safe and really effective cure for acidity. It is available in the form of Patanjali ayurvedic medicine for acidity. There are multiple herbal formulas that can be used under this magical treatment option. As an instance, you may use any of the following products to cure acidity.
- Divya Avipattikar Choorna
- Divya Gashar Churna
- Divya Udaramrita Vati
- Divya Amla Churna
- Divya Udarkalp Churna
All these are found to be equally effective and efficient in the management of acidity and hyperacidity caused in the stomach due to any reasons. Also all the above-mentioned medicines are assured of their safety for the users. Even when used for prolonged time periods, these don’t make the users habitual.
How does Patanjali medicine for acidity work?
The working mechanism of medicine made available by Patanjali pharmacy for treatment and prevention of acidity is quite simple and natural. It acts on the stomach so as to bring about normal balance amid acid and base content in the stomach. Thus users feel relieved to great extent with the use of this ayurvedic medicine. It helps in getting rid of excess of acid from the stomach so that the sufferer may be able to digest the foods consumed by him/her completely. It also improves the digestive capacity of the stomach. Thus all the foods are totally digested thereby ruling out the chances of occurrence of acidity or hyperacidity. The digestive muscles are also strengthened for most optimal functions of the entire digestive system. Problem of indigestion caused due to any reasons is totally eradicated.
Various signs and symptoms of acidity are also got ridden of in an effective manner with the use of Patanjali medicine. Feelings of nausea and vomiting get subsided. Also lost appetite is regained. In fact, it helps in improving the appetite naturally so that the users may be able to eat the foods and consume healthy drinks in an apt manner. The pH balance in the stomach is also maintained in a natural manner. It normalizes all the functions of the stomach and the entire digestive system.
People suffering from acidity may get rid of this problem very effectively with the help of Patanjali medicine.