Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Treating Acidity With Natural Formulations

Known as Heartburn, Acid Brash or Acid Reflux, acidity is the specific condition when the acids responsible for breaking the food start flowing back from the stomach. Acidity leads to acidic taste, sore throat, burning sensations, chest pain, indigestion and other complications. Those suffering from this disorder often complain of difficulty in swallowing.  Heartburn, pain in stomach & chest, sore eructation, vomiting and nausea are the usual symptoms of acidity. It is caused due to overeating, oily / spicy / stale foods and alcohol too. Use of the ordinary medicines sometimes causes side effects. That’s why patients prefer taking the ayurvedic medicines. Patanjali ayurvedic medicine for acidity also gives good results and sufficient relief. Patients are at zero risk.

Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity

Those suffering from acidity should try the following that also prove their worth as good medicines:
  • Simple food – Green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and milk should be included in our daily foods. Taking cabbages, cauliflower and carrot etc gives good results. Fruit juices are also quite helpful. Stale, oily or spicy eatables should just be avoided.
  • Avoid overeating – It is recommended that excessive intake of food and other eatables are just avoided. Moreover food should be chewed properly. It helps in ease of digestion and preventing acidity.
  • Taking coconut water in regular manners gives good results. Making use of Amalaki Powder since enriched with vitamin C also helps in reducing acidity. Haritaki or Bhringraja are also quite helpful in saying NO to formation of gas. Mixture of Triphala, Snakeguard leaves and Guduchi also helps the patients.
  • Those suffering from acidity should take Licorice, Mint and Amla that also provide sufficient relief. It can be brought under control with Dhaatri lauha, Narikel Havan, Avipattikar churna, Sukumara Ghrita and Kamadudha Ras etc.
  • Dried ginger also works wonders in getting rid of acidity. Use of coriander tea and cumin also provides excellent relief from acidity.
  • Taking pure ghee mixed with milk in regular manners also works wonders. The disease can be got rid of with Aloe Vera Juice that is helpful in reducing inflammation.
  • Use of black molasses and baking soda also helps in controlling acidity that can be managed with grape juice, cardamom and chamomile too. Taking lemon water and ginger juice also gives sufficient relief. Acidity can be controlled with organic milk, mustard, moringa oliefera and raw apple cider vinegar too.
  • Taking sufficient water after frequent intervals helps in detoxification and removal of wastages that are often responsible for acidity, the terrible ailment.
  • Those suffering from acidity should say NO to comfy living styles. They should get engaged in physical activities and yoga asana that are quite helpful. Long walks, swimming and other actions go a long way in getting rid of this harmful disease.
  • Abstinence from alcohol and tobacco is a must as these two things aggravate the disease.

Easily available at genuine prices, the above remedies work wonders to control acidity and its ill effects.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing Valuable blog with us. If you are searching Ayurvedic Acidity Treatment in Delhi/NCR Then you should join Dr Monga Clinic for piles , gastro , fissure and fistula treatment.
